Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hard wallet in your back pocket can be harmful!!

Hard wallet in your back pocket can be harmful!!

Keeping a hard wallet in your back pocket for long hours can be very harmful especially if you are seating on hard surface. Normally guys keep a lot of other stuff in their wallet as they do not carry a bag with them like girls. They keep the driving license, bus tickets, parking tickets, movie tickets, bills etc. in the tiny wallet which makes it big, fat and hard. Many wallets have a specially designed pocket to keep the coins which makes it even harder. If a person keeps such a hard wallet in the same back pocket for hours then it affects the blood circulation in that part of the body. It can develop a blood clot in that area which is your butt.

One of my friends used to use a very hard and big wallet. He used to travel for three and half hours on a hard seat of local trains everyday. He was working with an online trading firm which needed him to sit for long hours in the office. He has developed a blood clot on his right butt which makes it difficult for him to sit or even sleep. Doctor has given some medicine and has kept him under observation, if the clot doesn't melt by the medicines then he will have to be operated.
To avoid being in such a situation, please keep your wallet in your shirt's pocket or keep it on your desk while working or travelling. Also try to keep your wallet as light as you can.

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